Monday, December 31, 2012

2012: A Year of Greatness

Humanity has had one hell of a 2012. We've had the world's greatest athletes gather at the very hobbit-ish London olympics (USA!), there've been monumental motion pictures gracing the big screen (Hunger Games, Avengers, The Hobbit), President Barack Obama won a rightful second term in a landslide election (one that left us liberal cheering with maniacal joy), humanity has shown it's merit by standing strong and supportive in the face of a damn snow hurricane (how often do those things even actually happen??), and we've even survived a Mayan predicted catastrophic apocalypse (I spent my prophesied last day drinking at a hookah bar). Still, I don't want humanity as a whole to get all the spotlight. See, I myself have had an eventful year. Really a pretty damn eventful year. Honestly, this year has been one of the best years of my life. I'd tell you why but.....well, I sit here in this oversized arm chair, sipping on rum and listening to dubstep, I reckon I've got a little time until that ball drops. Here are the 5 reasons that 2012 (at least as far as Taylor Wilson is concerned) kicked a whole lot of ass.

1. Travel

In my wrap-up for 2011, I remember thinking fondly of my trip to Ghana and daring myself to do better. Sure, I'd been to one foreign nation, but that just wasn't enough. If anything, it simply whet my appetite for travel; from the moment I set foot on those red soils, I knew I was a travel addict. I think I've excelled at the dare in flying colors. Right from the start I jumped at any opportunity I got; a trip to Mardi Gras showed me there's no greater party on American soil, that girls really do readily reveal the secrets under their bras for cheap beads, and that the Saints have the best fans in the NFL. Shortly thereafter I enjoyed a Lyndard Skynard concert, my first ultra-fine dining experience, and race cars that seemed to break the sound barrier at Indianapolis' Indy 500. It wasn't solely an American tour though; I got the chance of a life time and was accepted to join a research trip to Chile. After all this, I even managed to journey to Vegas, one that you can read a bit more about right here.  At this point I'm wondering if next year could surpass 2012 as far as traveling is concerned. I can only say this--it won't be for my lack of trying.

2. Thesis

Sitting in the top drawer of my desk, this simple little document may not look very impressive, but it was one born of every ounce of perseverance I posses. The senior thesis is one that Maryville College students hear about from their very first days, yet it's almost a ghost story in it's way, one hidden in the dark recesses of the future. Except one day the future actually arrives and you've suddenly got to write that son of a bitch. Imagine standing before an enormous desert and being given a simple little dotted treasure map to guide your path; that's exactly how it feels like. Still, after two semesters (technically sort of three) of pondering, researching, source finding, and cranking out page after page of what often feels like complete bullshit you find the X. After weeks and weeks of waking up at 5:00 a.m. to crank out a few extra pages, saying a prayer that your advisor won't chew your ass out for the lack of progress, and near mental breakdowns at the thought that maybe you have no idea where you're going with this whole thing, you find that small chest. What's inside is something beautiful. Suddenly, before you know it, that long-distant myth is a best you've conquered, and there, signed and bound, the 60-page beast has been vanquished.

3. 21st

It's a given that most kiddos are pretty exciting about reaching the legendary 21st birthday. Suddenly you don't have hide in the dark recesses of a closed dorm room and take quiet shots, nor do you have to rely on an older classmate to join you on a trip to the local liquor store and make the transaction for you. It's freedom, open responsibility, and just being treated like an adult. Most are simply excited as the weeks count down, but I was something of an obsessive maniac for my 21st. I saw my slightly older peers, ones that turned mere months before me, with a jealousy paralleled only by lucifer himself (yeah, I went there), and even had a countdown board that chronicled the last 100 days of my underage existence. I found the final hours spent seaside at Panama City Beach, the classiest city in the United States. I finally took my first sip of a legal overpriced Long Island at Pineapple Willie's, and relished every bit of it. Well...until about four days later. Then I just felt like I'd been 21 my entire life. And spent $500 too much money on alcohol that week. Such is life I suppose.

4.Fiscal  Responsibility

There's a certain drawback to this in the sense that it has very adult consequences and involves putting a lot of work in the earning of money, but the pay off is amazing. This summer I felt like a true adult in the sense that I had an apartment. Did paying rent suck? Yeah. Did working myself to the bone just to make it by drive me crazy? Of course. But did having a place to call my own, one earned by my own sweat and blood, make up for that? Absolutely. It wasn't simply my apartment though. It's been paying for my phone. And credit card bills. And fraternity dues. Can it be extremely stressful? Of course. That's just life though. And that's the feeling of irresponsibility, a feeling I can afford to feel for now, but not one I should get used to. Because life starts in May, right after I walk that stage for graduation. I'll have to get used to paying rent, bills, and student loans, but I can also enjoy a place to call my own.

5. The Girlfriend

For years and years, I'd been single. Actually for most of my life. Despite my hopeless romantic status, I was left hopeless and alone. Year after year, others would kiss their beloveds at the ball's dropping, and year after year, I simply cheered alone. I've been passed over at clubs, left solo dancing at school proms, and friendzoned more times then I can count. I was left wondering if I'd ever find anyone to care about me as much as I desperately wanted to care for someone else....and then it just sorta happened. Out of the blue, an old friend from high school and I decided to reconnect. We spent a few evenings catching up at my dormitory....and then it sort of exploded into something very real. I'd hate to get too sappy, but I think I just might....because she's incredible. She makes song lyrics by Go Radio, Katy Perry, and Ellie Goulding mean something. She kisses my face again and again with sheer sweetness and affection. She brings me Starbucks in the morning and cheeseburgers after I get off.  She's the girl that drives hours and hours just to give me a New Year's Eve kiss.  Emily Holloway, you are truly one of the best things in my life. And I love you.

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